IPhone 5
Masih menurut bocoran kali ini dari MacRumors memprediksikan dengan lebih detail. Dimana iPhone 5 akan berukuran 4,33 inci x 2,36 inci, sedikit lebih lebar, tetapi lebih pendek daripada iPhone 4 yang berdimensi 4,5 inci x 2,31 inci.
Selain itu mcrumors juga memberitakan bahwa, iPhone 4 memiliki layar berukuran 3,5 inci (diagonal) dengan lebar 1,95 inci. Adapun iPhone 5 dengan lebar layar berdasarkan casing 2,24 inci akan memiliki ukuran diagonal layar paling tidak 4 inci. ketebalan iPhone 5 tak akan lebih dari 0,3 inci dan menipis menjadi 0,065 inci dari atas ke bawah.
Untuk spesifikasi dan harga iPhone 5 yang pasti kita tunggu saja peluncuranya di Indonesia, karena kita semua juga tidak sabar menunggu kedatangan iPhone generasi terbaru ini, jika sudah mendapatkan spesifikasi lengkap serta Harga iPhone 5 di Indonesia secara resmi saya akan berusaha memberitakan secepatnya,
Spesifikasi IPhone 5
iPhone 5 Mungkin adalah salah satu gadget yang paling di tunggu orang saat ini, setelah kesuksesan yang di dapatkan dari iPhone 4, kini apple dikabarkan sudah merancang hadirnya iPhone generasi terbaru yang di beri nama iPhone 5, Harga iPhone 5 di Indonesia sendiri belum diketahui dengan pasti, akan tetapi bocoran mengenai spesifikasi Ipone 5 sendiri sudah banyak di publikasikan di internet, meskipun peluncuranya sendiri belum diketahui secara pasti.
Bocoran mengenai Spesifikasi Iphone 5 sediri telah banyak di lansir oleh portal gadget semacam Mcrumors.com Salah satu Bocoran yang beredar cukup kuat adalah desain iPhone 5 yang beritakan adalah desainnya akan lebih lebar dan lebih tipis dari iPhone 4.
Sejumlah media online memberitakan bahwa casing untuk iPhone 5 mempunyai ukuran lebih lebar dan tipis dibandingkan dengan generasi sebelumnya. Salah satu "bocorannya" adalah casing yang sudah diproduksi secara massal dan membanjiri pasar China. Casing itu lebih lebar dan tipis serta tersedia dalam beragam warna dan material.
Berdasarkan desain casing yang beredar di pasaran china tersebut, menurut situs MicGadgdet, , memprediksikan bahwa iPhone 5 akan dibuat setipis iPod Touch akan tetapi layarnya di buat lebih tebal dan lebih lebar. Bahan casing bagian belakangnya akan terbuat dari aluminum seperti iPad 2.
article : http://sugengsetyawan.blogspot.com/2011/09/iphone-5-harga-dan-spesifikasi.html
Kelebihan Dan Kekurangan IPhone
Tidak bisa disangkal saat ini, iPhone 3G memang tengah digandrungi oleh beberapa gadget mania di berbagai belahan Bumi. Dengan beragam aplikasi yang ditambahkan, membuat produk keluaran Apple ini menjadi pesaing terdekat dari Blackberry di kelas ponsel cerdas.
Kelebihan Apple iPhone
- Touchscreen yang revolusioner
Touch screen iPhone sangat revolusioner, sehingga banyak vendor yang mengikuti teknologi ini, tetapi tetap belum ada yang bisa menandingi iPhone - Dukungan 3rd Party Apps. yang sangat banyak
Banyak sekali 3rd Party Apps. yang dapat diinstal diiPhone – tetapi tidak semuanya Free (average price untuk 3rd party Apps antara $0.99 – $5) - Layar Besar dan Kualitas gambar jernih
Layar iPhone berukuran besar 3.5 inchi, 480 x 320 piksel dengan resolusi 163 ppi - Design Modis
Saya rasa semua orang pasti setuju, seperti produk-produk Apple lainnya, design iPhone sangat modis - High Prestige
Saya rasa semua orang pasti setuju dengan statement ini, tidak perlu dijelaskan lagi
Kekurangan Apple iPhone
Kekurangan dibawah ini sebagian dapat diatasi dengan meng-â€JailBreak†iPhone ataupun menginstall 3rd party apps . Tapi perlu diingat bahwa “JailBreak†merusak garansi, jadi berharap aja pada saat mengclaim garansi, iPhone anda tidak dicek oleh Apple Genius- Tidak ada fungsi Copy Paste
Yeah, that’s right iPhone tidak memiliki fitur untuk copy – paste text. Tapi kekurangan ini bisa diatasi dengan menginstall 3rd Party Apps (Clippy) - Tidak ada fungsi Forward SMS
Yeah, that’s right iPhone tidak memiliki fitur untuk memforward SMS. Tapi kekurangan ini bisa diatasi dengan menginstall 3rd Party Apps (biteSMS/MySMS/iRealSMS) - Tidak bisa MMS
Yeah, that’s right iPhone tidak bisa melakukan fasilitas MMS. Tapi kekurangan ini bisa diatasi dengan menginstall 3rd Party Apps. (SwirlyMMS) - Tidak bisa Video Call
Yeah, that’s right iPhone tidak memiliki fitur video call, wong ga ada camera internal ko iPhone. - Tidak bisa Video Recording
Yeah, that’s right iPhone tidak bisa melakukan video recording. Tapi kekurangan ini bisa diatasi dengan menginstall 3rd Party Apps (Cycorder atau videorecording3g) - Tidak ada Flash pada Camera
Yeah, that’s right iPhone tidak ada flash pada cameranya, lagian kualitas kameranya cuman 2MPixel, jadi memang iPhone nga didesain sebagai kamera juga. - Proses penggantian baterai hanya dapat dilakukan oleh orang yang ahli
Mengganti baterai iPhone tidak seperti mengganti baterai handphone anda – tinggal lepas kemudian pasang baterai baru, proses penggantian baterai pada iPhone butuh beberapa baut yang dibuka untuk dapat mengganti baterai iPhone. - Daya tahan baterai tidak sebanding dengan fungsi iPhone
Fitur entertainment iPhone sangat banyak sekali, tetapi sayang daya tahan baterainya tidak sebanding dengan fiturnya itu. Ditambah dengan baterai iPhone yang tidak bisa diganti dengan mudah sehingga tidak memungkinkan kita memiliki 1 baterai lagi sebagai baterai cadangan - Browser tidak dapat digunakan untuk menjalankan “Flashâ€
Yeah, that’s right browser iPhone – Safari, tidak dilengkapi dengan flash player. - iPhone tidak dapat menjalankan aplikasi “Javaâ€
Yeah, that’s right browser iPhone tidak dapat menjalankan aplikasi “Javaâ€, tetapi hal itu dapat ditutupi dengan banyaknya aplikasi 3rd Party yang disediakan oleh Apple – Tetapi tidak semuanya gratis pastinya. - GPS belum berfungsi dengan baik di Indonesia
GPS iPhone belum berfungsi dengan baik di Indonesia, untuk menutupinya sekarang ini pengguna iPhone banyak menggunakan google maps sebagai GPS, tetapi tidak terlalu akurat. - GPS tanpa 3D Mapping
GPS built in iPhone tidak ada fasilitas 3D Mapping – Jadi jangan harap bisa menggunakan GPS iPhone sebagai pemandu jalan dimobil Anda - Bluetooth tidak dapat digunakan untuk mengirim / menerima data
Yeah, that’s right bluetooth pada iPhone hanya digunakan untuk synchronizing dengan iTunes dan koneksi dengan mac Anda. Tidak bisa digunakan untuk pertukaran data dengan handphone lain. Tapi kekurangan ini bisa diatasi dengan menginstall 3rd Party Apps (iBluetooth) - SMS panjang diautosplit sebagai SMS yang berbeda – tidak ada character counter dalam SMS
Jika anda mengirim SMS lebih dari 160 karakter, SMS tidak dikirim sebagai SMS yang sama tetapi sebagai SMS yang terpisah. Tapi kekurangan ini bisa diatasi dengan menginstall 3rd Party Apps (biteSMS/MySMS/iRealSMS0 - Tidak ada fasilitas search pada emailYeah, that’s right kita tidak bisa melakukan searching email didalam inbox iPhone. Tapi kekurangan ini bisa diatasi dengan menginstall 3rd Party Apps
- Tidak bisa mengattach picture pada email
Yeah, that’s right iPhone tidak bisa melakukan attaching pada email. Tapi kekurangan ini bisa diatasi dengan menginstall 3rd Party Apps (iMail) - Fungsi “arrange†aplikasi tidak user friendly
Fungsi pengaturan icon-icon aplikasi pada iPhone kurang user friendly. Sulit dijelaskan, Anda harus mencoba sendiri - Iphone tidak dapat berfungsi maksimal tanpa di “JailBreakâ€
Banyak aplikasi yang hanya dapat diinstal diiPhone yang sudah diâ€JailBreakâ€, tetapi “JailBreak†bearti merusak garansi. - Sangat tergantung pada 3rd Party Apps.
Seperti yang saya tulis diatas, fungsi dasar iPhone sangat minim sekali. Fungsi iPhone baru akan sangat maksimal jika Anda menginstall banyak 3rd Party Apps. – Yang tentunya tidak semuanya Gratis. - Iphone akan sulit digunakan jika Anda Wanita dengan kuku yang “lentikâ€
Layar sentuh iPhone tidak akan dapat digunakan dengan menggunakan kuku / stylus. Sehingga wanita yang memiliki kuku yang “lentik†akan mengalami kesulitan menggunakan iPhone - Jika anda memiliki jari yang agak besar, akan membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk terbiasa dengan keyboard iPhone
Karena keyboard iPhone hanya bisa diakses dengan jari, maka anda yang memiliki jari yang agak besar, akan membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama untuk dapat terbiasa dengan keyboard tersebut
iPad 3 Battery Rumored to be Thinner, Lighter & Safer
The iPad 3 battery is apparently going to cost Apple an additional 20 to 30 percent more than the current price of the iPad 2 battery. Simplo Technology and Dynapack International Technology will be responsible for the production of the batteries and are already contracted for battery packs in the existing iPad’s and Macbook.
Also noted by Taiwan Economic News, the iPad 3 battery packs will produce a longer service life than the current 10 hours experienced by both the iPad and the iPad 2. The iPad 2 battery was certainly upgraded to run the boosted specs from the original iPad; and it looks like battery technology is becoming more and more important as consumers demand better processors, displays and thinner designs. What good is a fantastic on-the-go device that needs to be plugged into the wall 24/7?
iPad 3 Battery to Meet IEEE 1625 Safety Standards
The battery which is rumored to be thinner and lighter will also be abiding by strict quality and safety standards which will account for some of the inflated price as it meets CTIA IEEE 1625 standards.The iPad 3 battery module will call for advanced technologies, selling for a higher price to benefit Simplo and Dynapack for sure, especially when the two companies have had their battery packs pass the IEEE 1625 test as the only two battery makers in Taiwan for the moment.While there were no specifics provided, it does appear that Apple is investing in battery technology for a reason; and not only for additional battery length. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Apple shave a few more inches or weight off the tablet, unless of course they are making room for other internals or ports.
The iPad 3 batteries are scheduled to begin production in Q4 2011 and the iPad 3 release to follow shortly after that (likely a year after the iPad 2 launch). It is uncertain at this time whether Apple will choose to eat the additional costs of the battery or whether they will be passed onto the consumers. I’m quite positive though that Apple will indeed keep the iPad 3 competitively priced for what it will be offering, even if that means deducting from their own margins.
Top iPad 3 Features on its Release Date
It’s a safe bet to say that the iPad 3 release date will still be the predictable March 2012, or early 2012 time frame. That is of course unless we get some really pertinent information from a source which is highly credible and points elsewhere.
With the recent unveiling of iOS 5, you better believe that the iPad 3 will come preloaded sporting all of its new goodies. This huge overhaul of an operating system (demoed on the iPhone) is also being designed for the iPad 3 and will offer an even greater experience on such a large screen; especially if its retina! To date we have only been offered glimpses into the features that iOS 5 is capable of; making iOS 5 on the iPad 3 something to get excited about.
iPad 3 Likely to Undergo Aesthetic Upgrades
As far as aesthetics go, what does the iPad 2 have to offer? Slimmer, curvier with some shaved off weight in the process is one of the main points of the iPad 2 aside from its quicker processor. Not exactly what Apple fans were hoping for from the second generation tablet.While nothing is evidenced yet, Apple will likely be looking to give the fans what they want by making some bigger aesthetic tweaks. Whether carbon fiber makes its way into the iPad 3 or is set for the iPad 4 is still to be seen, but we know they have some design changes up their sleeves. Will the smart bezel rumor and patent come true?
iPad 3 without strings attached
iCloud is going to change the way Apple users access and store their content without the feeling of being trapped. Cloud access is going to be the next big thing amongst tablet and wireless companies; and Apple looks to be going big with their huge facility currently under development to support cloud services.We also believe that Apple fans will be seeing a big change in the way of connectivity with their iPad 3. Nobody likes data caps, especially since the iPad is a device that is going where its users go, and that isn’t always at home or in a dedicated WiFi hotspot area. Expect to see some new options when it comes to signing up for a data plan from its major carriers, especially with 4G on the horizon; the iPad 3 will be worth the wait.
iPhone 4S Officially Announced – Pre-order October 7th – On sale October 14th
Apple officially announced the iPhone 4S at today’s event. It will be available to pre-order on Friday October 7th, and will go on sale on October 14th. It has a new antenna design that allows for file transfers twice as fast as the iPhone 4, as well as a voice recognition function for a whole new hands free experience. The iPhone 4S will also be powered by Apple’s Dual Core A5 processor.
The iPhone 4S will be a World Phone, so it will work on both CDMA and GSM networks. This means there will not be different versions for different carriers. Sprint has been added to the list of available carriers in the U.S. for both the iPhone 4S and the iPhone 4.
The iPhone 4S will have a 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB model available priced at $199, $299, and $399. The phone will be released in both Black and White. The iPhone 4S will have an 8 megapixel camera and will shoot video in full 1080p with video stabilization. The iPhone 4 had only a 5 megapixel camera capable of shooting 720p video. The new custom lens on the iPhone 4S will produce much sharper, crisper images. The image signal processor in the A5 chip is very advanced, especially when partnered with the new iOS 5.
The iPhone 4S will launch in the U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, France, Germany and Japan on October 14th, less than 2 weeks away. iPhone 4S will be available worldwide to 22 additional countries by the end of October including Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.
With Siri, Apple’s new personal assistant software , you can use your voice to accomplish tasks or access parts of the phone. For example, you can ask “How’s the traffic in this area” or “Remind me to call Jeremy when I get home”. You can also use Siri to make calls, text, make notes, browse the web, get driving directions, and more.
Steve Jobs Resigns as Apple CEO
The man who has been seen as the face and visionary of Apple has handed over the title of CEO to COO Tim Cook from here onward. Steve Jobs apparently submitted his resignation to Apple on Wednesday and recommended that Cook replace him; which has been done according to Apple.
In a press release reported from the Wall Street Journal, Jobs has officially stated that “I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO, I would be the first to let you know, unfortunately that day has come.”
We don’t think that this will affect anything with the iPad 3 or other devices like the iPhone 5 which is expected to launch in October. Naming Tim Cook as the new CEO was probably in their best interest, especially since he has been assuming the role of acting CEO during Jobs absence.
Steve Jobs Battle with Health Issues
Jobs has been struggling with health issues even though he survived pancreatic cancer. This news is sort of unsettling because some are speculating that his cancer may be returning. Jobs has been fighting an ongoing problem (unknown) ever since he was cleared of the pancreatic cancer.Shareholders, Apple enthusiasts and Steve Jobs lovers can breathe a sigh of relief however because Jobs does intend to still be active with the company. He has been re-elected under the title of Chairman of the board, and will ensure that things are running as smoothly and when he was the leader.
iPad 3 Production Beginning in October
Apple is currently working with its component suppliers for the iPad 3 to go under trial production starting in October. According to sources the company has started to order components such as display panels, and chips for the imminent early 2012 release date.
Even though a lot of people have been hoping for another refresh later this year, it appears those rumors may have started to fizzle out. Apple’s extremely popular iPad and other devices are without a doubt worth waiting for and hard to compete with. In the last few days you may be aware of HP throwing in the towel on their HP TouchPad that was just recently launched.
The TouchPad experienced price cuts, sales promotions and finally just realized that they cannot compete with Apple after selling a mere 10% of their stock that went to retail giant Best Buy. HP isn’t the only company experiencing tough sales however when it comes to Apple’s commanding market share for tablets. The iPad 3 will be nothing short of success either, even though some people went out and purchased the (Liquidation) $99 TouchPad.
iPad 3 Display at 9.7 inches
The iPad 3 is expected to receive some serious upgrades including a vivid high resolution screen at 2048 x 1536, and according to some suppliers some of these components have already made their way for initial prototypes. Also reported was the fact that the screens would remain at 9.7 inches.Apple’s supply chain is very hard to compete with because not only can they produce high quality products, they can do so with a very comfortable bottom line. Other companies find it extremely hard to compete and much of it should be attributed to Apple’s supply chain, commitment to quality and the loyal fans.
One component supplier in particular commented saying that “Apple has already placed orders for parts for about 1.5 million iPad 3 ‘s in the fourth quarter.”
iPad 3 Might Initially Lack the A6 Processor
According to an analyst, the hyped A6 processor chip will reach the iPad 3 later in 2012 than on its release date. The analyst projects that it won’t be until June 2012 at the earliest that we could see the rumored quad-core A6 make its way under the hood of Apple’s iPad 3.
You may remember how Apple has recently brought on TSMC for production of their chips which could cause some yield uncertainties as well. Samsung currently manufactures the Apple A5 processor which rests in your iPad 2, but because of the ongoing legal battle and other relationship woes, Apple has reached out to help increase yield and take advantage of the 28nm technology.
The Linley Group and Kevin Krewell, responsible for the news said “The rumored A6 is a major step-up in chip design. Not only does it contain four processor cores but will use so-called 3D technology.” This 3D technology is not to be confused with other 3D technologies but rather is the way to stack and electrically connect die vertically.
iPad 3 to Rely on Retina Display as Main Selling Point?
Krewell also went on to state that the final A6 version will likely be wrapped up and enter production sometime in the second quarter of 2012, and that makes sense to him despite Apple’s traditional processor upgrade schedule. The end result would mean that any products destined to get the A6 processor would have to be delayed until June 2012 at the earliest.If the iPad 3 lacks the A6 powering the retina display that would mean that it would be hyping itself around the increased resolution and retina display as its main selling point. With an already rather thin iPad 2 it will be interesting to see the official design changes to the iPad 3 ;whether that’s carbon fiber casing or some other way to reduce weight and thickness in a “thin is in” market.
iPad 3 and Brazil: Apple Opens a New iPad Factory
According to reports, Apple has opened an iPad factory in Brazil. There has been a ton of rumors and news on iPad 3 production; and the addition of TSMC, and the dispute for Foxconn to reign supreme as Apple’s lone supplier.
This report focuses more on Apple’s reach with their tablet and how they will be able to fully supply the growing demand for their product in Brazil. Aloizio Mercadante who is Brazil’s Minister of Science and technology went on to confirm that the plant is set to begin production on the iPad, and officially shipping in the country sometime in December of 2011.
The new factory will likely start producing the Apple iPad 2 initially for December, but as a manufacturer they will likely be able to supply native consumers with the iPad 3 at some decided upon date in the future as well.
Mercadante’s statement from UOL
At first many doubted, but it will be the first time that Apple will produce iPads outside Chinese territory. We are taking a big step for digital inclusion in the country.Apple who has remained loyal to its iPad production in China has now ventured out to alleviate any shipping problems and restrictions, essentially meeting demand better in South America.
The factory in Brazil was apparently a dual effort on behalf of Foxconn and the Brazilian Government, with Foxconn helping to fund the factory through an investment.
The latest refresh of Apple’s popular tablet, the iPad 3 is rumored to be including a retina display at a higher resolution, possibly reduced in weight and thinner thanks to a new battery that is pricier than the last, a few exterior design alterations, and some other specs that are probably just wishful thinking at this point.
Copy From : http://ipad3newsblog.com/2011/09/ipad-3-and-brazil-apple-opens-a-new-ipad-factory/
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